Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Favorite Wizard Named Harry

HARRY DRESDEN—WIZARD Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment

So reads the Yellow Page ad for Chicago's only Wizard P.I. Harry Dresden. To say I love Harry is like saying vampire books are sort of hot right now. Jim Butcher's Dresden books are hands down without a doubt, my absolute favorite series. No one wise asses, fights monsters, or saves the world quite like Harry. Not because he's the bravest, strongest or most powerful of wizards but because he is RELENTLESS.
"I don't want to live in a world where the strong rule and the weak cower. I'd rather make a place where things are a little quieter. Where trolls stay the hell under their bridges and where elves don't come swooping out to snatch children from their cradles. Where vampires respect the limits, and where the faeries mind their p's and q's. My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk. When things get strange, when what goes bump in the night flicks on the lights, when no one else can help you, give me a call. I'm in the book." 
How's that for a quote? Oh, and did I mention he's funny?
        'If I need you I'll give you a signal.'
        What signal?"
        'I'll imitate the scream of a terrified little girl'
Click here for a link to Chapter 1 of Storm Front the first book in the ongoing series

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Undead Summer Reading

I'm tearing through MaryJanice Davidson's Undead Series. I love Betsy, the funniest Vampire ever. She's obsessed with shoes, does everything in broad strokes and just blurts out whatever she's thinking. Is it weird that I'm relating to a fictional vampire? Here's a link to Undead and Unwed,  book one in the series. I'm on book 7 and loving it. They're quick reads, perfect for Summer.  And best of all, no scary Fae in this series!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Just devoured Darkfever by Karen Moning. Spent a couple of happy hours engrossed  in a murder mystery that leads heroine MacKayla Lane to Ireland  pulling her into the dark world of the Fae. (who fyi scare the crap out of me) Apparently, I've been living under a rock because I had no idea who Jericho Barrons was or why legions of Moning's readers were completey twitterpated. Tall, dark, and mysterious, I imagine he looks like Martin Henderson which would completely explain the twitterpation. Click on over to read the first chapter, then go out and pick up a copy.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cat & Bones Forever

Ok, so I'm a little late to the Night Huntress love fest. But all the Bones crushing I kept hearing had me picking up Halfway to the Grave. Check out the excerpt on the left then skip on over to see what other Jeaniene Frost books pique your interest.


 got my hands on Lover Mine, the latest installment in the J.R. Ward  Black Dagger Brotherhood. I was contemplating hijacking a copy from the library hold shelf. Mouse pointed out I can't afford  the bad Book Karma. I am completely in love... but even if I wasn't the cover would have held my attention. Holy Crap! It was worth the 2 month wait. Tore through it the day I got my hot little Felonious hands on it then I propped it up on my nightstand for the rest of the week to admire.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Favorite New Series

We've read a lot of good books this year. The only thing better than finding a great new book is finding a great new series! Felon is in love with Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampire's. All the goosebumpy, nail biting, can't -put- it-down excitement of it.
Mouse loves  Lily St Crow's Strange Angels,  and Betrayals and is eagerly awaiting the third book Jealousy.
Dru is a kick ass heroine surrounded by half truths, boys who turn into wolves and scary djamphirs. These books will have you cheering Dru on and wondering what is going to happen next. An enjoyable blend of the supernatural and a girl who shoots first and asks questions later.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our top 10 books of Spring

We've been busy reading, listing, noting and scoping YA Paranormal Fiction .
We read a LOT of books this Spring, hunted high & low, read, read and read some more. Of the approximately 100 or so books we read this Spring these are our faves:
  1. Beautiful Creatures
  2. Beastly
  3. The Demon's Lexicon
  4. Glass Houses
  5. Ill Wind
  6. Intertwined
  7. Meridian
  8. Perfect Chemistry
  9. Shiver
  10. Wondrous Strange

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Young Reader's List

Via a request by Felon. We are posting a list of suggested reads for young readers. It is a pretty cool list. With some Fantasy reads mixed in as well. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, February 22, 2010


We have not dropped off the face of the planet. But have realized we were overly-ambitious. Mouse and Felon are in the process of stuffing our faces with as many books as possible and revamping a schedule and reviews.

Stay tuned :)