Monday, June 23, 2014

The list grew and morphed from a simple "Ten Books of Summer", into a themed mash up of magical adventures and stories set in other countries. Eventually, we cast aside parameters and let our book loving loose. The final selections are an eclectic mix of YA, fantasy, paranormal fiction, a few memoirs, some mystery and thrillers to round it out. We chose a few classics and two titles in honor of our beloved Maya Angelou.

I'm sure a few more books will be added as we move through Summer. But for now we've stop casting a net for stories and are enjoying the selections. It's like having the dessert cart rolled out and getting to pick as many tasty treats as you'd like, but even better because you're sharing them with a kindred spirit. I love hashing out the deets with Mouse after we've finished a book together. As wonderful as it is to get lost in a good book, it's even better to do it in tandem.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bring on the Books!

It's starting. The Summer book hoarding gathering is upon us. Mouse and I could make To Be Read lists until the end of time. I think it is completely possible that we could spend our days reading reviews, perusing the stacks and writing titles on whatever slips of paper we found handy, for pretty much the rest of our lives. Happily researching, Merrily listing while humming show tunes. ( I hum a pretty sweet "Everything's Coming up Roses") THEN we start the collecting, the downloading, the requesting, swapping/borrowing and it's great. No, it's Fricken' Awesome. It's like treasure hunting. A book high. I want to think we look as adorable as this sweet, pink mary-janed poppet to my right. Hauling our treasure away. But I suspect we look more like the lovely book hoarder below. I don't care how it looks. I just know how good it feels. To find a book, hold it in your hands and wonder. Will you fall in love, find adventure or make a life long friend. Books are magic. It's why we love them. They take us places, and make us feel things. Book love is transformative. It's starts when you hear your first bedtime story and if stays with your whole life. True, deep, abiding Love. Magic.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

To Pin or not to Pin...

You are cordially invited to visit Mouse and Felons Pinterest Board where you can peruse the book lists we're accumulating as fast as our little fingers can pin. Who knew Pinterest was just another way to feed our book addiction? We dare you to come away without a half dozen books for your TBR pile. If you don't we suspect your dead inside.
Happy Perusing!


Monday, June 2, 2014

The Lists of Summer

Librarians should wear capes. Seriously, those Summer Reading programs with their tracking charts and colorful plastic prizes, who didn’t love those? Well, maybe non readers, aka troglodytes. Not sure if it was a love of reading or the lure of swag and imagined book glory. Regardless of the allure, the result was a love of reading, (and swag!). Nostalgia led us to attempt our own summer reading list.
Librarians make this stuff look so easy! Rolling up our sleeves, we shall  put our bookish noses to the grindstone to compose the perfect accidental sampling. 10 MUST READ SELECTIONS and what we've dubbed SUMMER SERIES.

There is a lot to be said for those fancy charts. Is this  something you learn in library school? 
Armed with a list we are usually a lot like drunks on a bender. In our attempts to procure books we've been known to buy and swap, request every available title from our libraries, troll used book stores and download mass quantities of electronic reading material. The TBR piles will grow, we will once again embrace our inner book hoarder. We will be book drunk. Sampling, dabbling, and occasionally abandoning titles in our ongoing quest to conquer the lists of Summer.

But like all binges there will be casualties. We may be sleep deprived and by mid summer a little pasty. But there is a chart to put stickers on and Swag to be had.

Let the book selections Begin!!
 Summer reading log packet to send home with students, encourages and keeps track of reading over the summer in a FUN way!